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Private Rowing Lessons

Private Rowing Lessons on Burnaby Lake in the Vancouver, BC Area


Do you live in the Vancouver, BC area and you love spending time on the water? Have you always wanted to learn how to row? Burnaby Lake Rowing Club offers private rowing instruction for people to learn all about rowing regardless of if they want to row recreationally, row solo, row so that they can meet new people, or row so that they can race. 


Our private rowing lessons will introduce you to the basics of sculling. During your initial set of lessons you will learn all of the fundamentals of rowing so that you feel comfortable rowing by yourself. Once you complete your initial set of rowing lessons, you'll have an assessment with your coach.  Your coach will then tell you if you’re ready to join our masters program or if you’ll need to take additional rowing lessons. 


Cost: $733.25

This includes the fee of $53.25 to our governing bodies ($25.75 RBC, $27.5 RCA) that you pay annually. Once you complete lessons the RCA and RBC fees will be applied to your membership dues or additional lessons.


Your initial set of private sculling lessons will span over the course of 8 sessions. The coach and student decide the length of each lesson. Participants can always purchase additional lessons once their initial set are completed.  4 lesson packages are available for $393.25 for anyone who has taken the initial set of 8 lessons. (The $53.25 fee will be waved at the time of payment if it has been paid already during the current fiscal year for RCA). 


Email us for more information before you sign up. 




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